Professional Representation
The Union des Industries Textiles Sud (UIT SUD) represents member textile companies with all the regional and national professional bodies, administrations and territorial collectivities, in all cases where this representation is of a collective interest to the profession.
The UIT SUD is a Board Member of:
♦ The National Textile Industry Union (UIT) which protects the interests of the profession at national government and European levels and which provides a link to:
• EURATEX, European textile body
• CLIMO et GFI, industry employers organizations
♦ the Association PREMIERE VISION which defines the development strategy of the professional trade exhibitions PREMIERE VISION, EXPOFIL, LE CUIR A PARIS, INDIGO, MODAMONT, ZOOM BY FATEX, MADE IN… and their international offshoots.
♦ the regional training funds management organisation OPCALIA
The UIT Sud is a member of MEDEF Midi-Pyrénées.
The UIT SUD works in close collaboration with State services and territorial Collectivities:
• Regional Prefecture
• Regional Council and its services MADEELI
• Departmental Prefectures
• and also laboratories, universities...
This partnership has been cemented for many years by the signing of three-yearly agreements between the State, the Midi-Pyrénées region and the UIT SUD which collectively contribute to the performance of textile companies.