Innovation Monitoring
Destined for companies wishing to engage in or already involved in an innovation procedure.
- Regularly provide technical economic information,
- Generate new opportunities for diversification,
- Reinforce inter-sector crossings,
- Support for companies in gaining approval during the first stages of an innovative project.
Textile Innovations Technical Days: the ideas factory
Presentation of thematics linked to applied textile markets (two half days per year)
Examples of the theme by applied market:
- Textiles and Health,
- Textiles and Transport,
- Individual Protection Equipment ,
- Home Textiles (Furnishings, Décoration, …)
Current state of projects
The projects retained by STARTEX will receive support in terms of advice: preliminary diagnosis/intervention on innovation opportunities in order to limit risk-taking.
This will allow them to make a report on the current state of existing textile solutions and their level of maturity.
- the current state of target markets,
- the different players and the market dynamics
- possible textile innovations.
Your contact
Richard RICO - - Tél : + 33 (0)5 .